
Town of Sharon

Zoning Board of Appeals


December 22, 2004





Attending Regular Members:, Richard Powell, Lee Wernick, Dan Rosenfeld (arrived at 8:21 p.m.)

Alternate Members: Walter Newman,


The hearing was called to order at 8:14 p.m.


New Case

#1517              Melanson, John and Katherine                     57 Beach Road

Applicants seeks two findings and special permit relative to proposed structure replacement on a nonconforming lot.  Property is located at 57 Beach Road and is situated in the Rural 2 Zone within the Surface Water Protection District.


Hearing opened at 8:15 p.m.


Sitting on case: Walter, Lee, Richard


Notice read

Board of Health letter dated 12/20/04 read. – No objection

Conservation Commission letter dated 12/21/04 read. – No objection

Attorney Joel Fishman represented applicants at the hearing.  Applicants were present.


The Board reviewed the documents presented by Attorney Fishman.


Attorney Fishman stated that the studio structure on the property was removed to accommodate the new Singulair Bio-Kinetic(wastewater treatment system).


Attorney Fishman discussed Applicants plans for the new two story structure. On the first floor there will be a living room, bedroom, kitchen, dining room and full bathroom.  There will be a deck off the dining room.  On the second floor there will be master bedroom suit with sitting area and full master bath, utility and storage room, off the master bedroom there will be a screen porch.  The sitting area will be facing the lake.


The left side of the house will be 4ft closure to the property line.


Jennifer Brown, 22 Beach Rd. states the project will improve the neighborhood.


Applicant closed hearing at 8:32 p.m.


Vote in Favor

Walter – Yes

Richard – Yes

Lee – Yes




1.      Crushed stone: pervious driveway.

2.      Down spouts into the ground.

3.      Shall be no closure than existing foundation


Hearing closed at 8:34 p.m.



#1511              Schenkler, Barbara                                        34 Sunset Drive

Applicant seek two findings and special permit relative to proposed structure expansion on a nonconforming lot,  and a special relative to an in-law apartment.  Property located at 34 Sunset Drive and is situated in the Rural 1 Zone within the Groundwater

Protection District.


Hearing opened at 8:35 p.m.


Sitting on case: Dan, Richard, Walter


Gordon Hughes provided the Board with revised plans.  Mr. Hughes stated that by extending the front of house by 4 ½ ft.  He was able to create a common entry way between both homes.  There will be a 4 ft. clear opening into the existing living room.  The deck on the existing house will be extended to the in-law apartment to allow a second egress.


Hearing closed by Applicant at 8:54 p.m.


Vote in Favor

Dan – Yes

Walter – Yes

Richard – Yes



1.      As shown in drawing A4 dated 12/20/04

2.      The new common entry will have no doors other than the exterior door.

3.      New deck will have no stair case except to the extent that it has access to the existing stair case.

4.      New certified plot plan.

5.      Medical certification of fiscal hardship.


Hearing closed at 8:59 p.m.


New Case

#1518              Bennett, Michael and Jodi                            198 Morse Street

Applicants seeks two findings and a special permit relative to proposed structure expansion on a nonconforming lot.  Property is located at 198 Morse Street and is situated in the Rural 2 Zone within the Surface Water Protection District.


Hearing opened at 9:00 p.m.


Sitting on case: Lee, Richard, Dan


Notice read

Board of Health letter dated 12/20/04 read. – No objection

Conservation Commission letter dated. – No objection


Ms. Bennett described the plan to replace the space and the history behind the application


Gordon Hughes described the plans and the Board reviewed the plans.  The rear deck will be removed.  Originally there was a car port.  On the first floor there will be a new 2 car garage space, mud room, small office area, study and utility shop, approximately 24 by 38 feet running down the right side of the house.


Mr. Hughes described the need for a two car garage, since Mr. Bennett’s job requires that he leave by 3:30 am.  At least 24 feet was needed.  The plan is for 5 and ½ feet beyond the current 30 foot setback.  There was discussion about conservation land between the Applicant’s house and neighbor’s house. 


Dan indicated that the Board would like to see a clarification from Conservation commission regarding encroachment of the conservation land and if they are comfortable with the plan.  Dan also indicated they would like to see a plan indicating the location of the septic system.


Mr. Hughes continued to describe the plans to create a larger bedroom above the garage.  Applicant will keep the number of bedrooms at three.  There will be open kitchen space with a small study and family room, with an open air deck.  Existing square footage is 2903, with proposed changes the square footage is 4378, an increase of 45 percent.  Dan wanted calculation without porch and garage and include only habitable space.


A resident of 290 Morse Street indicated no issues with Applicant’s proposal and asked the Board to approve.


A resident of 186 Morse Street also indicated no issues with Applicant’s proposal.


Hearing continued until 1/12/05


Hearing closed at 9:26 p.m.


New Case

#1519              Slaney, Bill                                                     17 Belcher Street

Applicant seeks two findings and a special permit relative to proposed garage expansion to a structure on a nonconforming lot as defined in Sharon Zoning Bylaw sec. 2430.  Property is located at 17 Belcher Street and is situated in the Single Residence A Zoning District.


Hearing opened at 9:28 p.m.


Sitting on case: Dan, Richard, Lee


Notice read

Board of Health letter dated 12/20/04 read. – No objection

Conservation Commission letter dated. 12/20/04. – No objection


Walter, being an abutter, recused himself from the case.


Applicant William Slaney described the plans as a 2 car garage with family room, laundry room and a bathroom.  Addition is 24 by 50 feet representing an additional 1200 square feet. 


Board noted that the setback requirement is 20 feet.  Board reviewed plans of Applicant.  Dan indicated he would like to see a plan for the existing house in next meeting.  Board indicated that they need a Board of Health letter indicating if septic is designed for three bedrooms.  Richard mentioned that there appears to be a set back issues.  Members of Board agreed that is an issue and this was discussed.  Dan suggested that the Applicant review plans and consider another proposal that would not increase setback non-conformity.  Board suggested that Applicant come back with new plans.


Mr. Sherman, resident of 19 Belcher Street and abutter to property indicated opposition to Applicant’s proposal because of the set back and property line issue.


The Board suggested to Mr. Sherman that he should get a certified plot plan for his property.


Applicant required to get a new certified plot plan.


Hearing continued to 2/9/05


Hearing closed at 9:51 p.m.

Next Zoning Board meeting is scheduled on January 12 at 8:00 p.m. in Town Hall.